Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment
Concerning the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2004 that provides for security of payment from clients, main contractors and sub-contractors.
Model Data Protection Code For The Private Sector v1.3 (June 2003)
This Model Code outlines the minimum requirements for the protection of personal information whether or not in the form of electronic data (“personal data”). The Model code was first drafted by the Legal Sub- Committee of the National Internet Advisory Committee (NIAC). It was subsequently opened for public consultation by the Media Development Authority (MDA)…
Foreign Investment In Indonesia
This guide is designed to give a brief insight into doing business in Indonesia. It contains some background information that will be helpful to companies considering establishing business operations there. It is essential that professional advice be obtained before any business is undertaken.
Indonesia Negative List – Based On Presidential Decree 96/2000 jo.118/2000
Indonesia Negative List Based On Presidential Decree 96/2000 jo.118/2000
Corporate Documents From Other Jurisdictions
Obtaining corporate documents from a country outside Singapore can be one of the most frustrating experiences, not because the relevant authority is inefficient, but because there is a lack of familiarity with the procedural and legal aspects of those jurisdictions.
Norwegian courts and the administration of justice
Legislation and administration of justice (judicature) have long traditions in Norway. Long before the country was unified by Harald Finehair at the end of the 9th century, a systematic jurisprudence was practised at the alltings or folk-moots, regional meetings to settle disputes and make law. There is a famous quotation from the 12th-century law-book of…
Intellectual Property In The Digital Economy
A detailed article on intellectual property rights in the digital age. It discusses issues like the DCMA, Open Source Licences, deep-lining, framing, spamdexing, metagging and many more IPR issues.
Company Charges In The British Virgin Islands
This article summarises British Virgin Islands registration requirements for company charges. The BVI is a popular offshore financial center used by many Singapore companies and high networth individuals.
The Multi-Level Marketing And Pyramid Selling (Prohibition) Act
On overview of the The Multi-Level Marketing And Pyramid Selling (Prohibition) Act and related regulations.