Ringlighting Legal Issues a Social Media Influencer Should be Concerned With
Social media is popular, all encouraging the listener or viewer, to adopt a particular behaviour or view, even promote a political or social agenda. There is an undue concern by regulators with social media. Some regulations have the force of law while others set out norms of behaviour. OTP Law examines the situation in Singapore.
Intellectual Property Protection Guide
This Guide is intended to serve as a primer for the designer, the inventor and the entrepreneur on the protection of new ideas and the products that arise from such ideas. Like all publications of this kind, the Guide is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a lawyer on the complexities of…
Finding Quality Information on the Internet
We hear anecdotal stories of false claims made on the Internet that on the face of the article/website appear authoritative and accurate. Yet, it cannot be that everything on the Internet is bogus. So, how do we determine the wheat from the chaff?
Moral Rights: The Right to Destroy Artwork
It was reported in the Singapore press that several pieces of art work had been missing after the building owners renovated their premises. Some, if not all, might have been destroyed in the course of renovation. Is there anything that the artists can do to prevent this or at least salvage their art work for…
Releases And Photographs
The requirement for releases is an area of law that is controversial and unsettling among the legal and photography professionals. The difficulty is that it is not always easy to draw the fine line between what is newsworthy and what is not.
Artist Dealership Contracts
Often young unestablished artists are unable to secure deals or representation with established galleries. So they have to turn to non-gallery-owning dealers for agency deals. The likely problem areas when negotiating an appropriate contract in such situations are examined in this article.
Moral Rights And the Conservation of Artistic Works
Moral Rights Legislation Until 1998, Singapore law gave little or no protection to artists against […]
Contract Law For Artists – An Introduction
An introduction to contract law for artists. An example used in this article is whether a work sold is a unique artwork, or one of a limited/unlimited series or edition.
The Concept of Intellectual Property
Introduction In law, particularly in common law jurisdictions, intellectual property is a form of legal […]
Intellectual Property In The Digital Economy
A detailed article on intellectual property rights in the digital age. It discusses issues like the DCMA, Open Source Licences, deep-lining, framing, spamdexing, metagging and many more IPR issues.
COMPASS Licence For Entertainment Outlets
The objective of COMPASS is the protection and promotion of the copyright interests of composers, authors and publishers of musical works and associated lyrics.