IT Contract Management And Administration For Law Firms
Contract management is one area of the IT procurement process (whether for hardware or for software) that is often overlooked.
Ten Rules To Helping Your Lawyer Help You
As in any successful relationship, a good lawyer-client relationship involves cooperation on both sides. As a client, you have a role to play to make sure you get the best possible legal help. To do so, you must hold up your end of the responsibilities. This article lists ten common sense rules to establishing a…
Online Gambling Laws in Singapore
Introduction Singapore laws strictly prohibit gambling and the advertising or promotion of gambling venues. Only […]
The Concept of Intellectual Property
Introduction In law, particularly in common law jurisdictions, intellectual property is a form of legal […]
Cloaking A Website
Cloaking allows webserver administrators to draw a virtual curtain around a Web site to mask sensitive information from outsiders. It can make a website appears as if it has been abandoned to someone while to everyone else, the website appears as “business as usual”.
Trends in Phishing 2004
According to analysts, more than 57 million adults think that they have received a phishing email, while the Anti-Phishing Working Group estimates a 38 percent average monthly growth rate in phishing attacks.
Singapore Laws On The Internet 2005
A listing of Singapore Online legal resources found on the Internet.
GNU General Public License Under German Law
In the first known court ruling anywhere in the world on the legal effects of […]
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment
Concerning the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2004 that provides for security of payment from clients, main contractors and sub-contractors.